
Saturday 7 April 2012

A Bed of Nails

Jodi’s Nail and Hair Salon was located in a quiet strip mall next to a local bank
which made it convenient for her customers because they would often do their
banking after leaving her salon. The Main Street bank conducts business
transactions and tends to some customers and usually stores a large amount of
money inside but that is not a well known fact. The strip mall also housed a
ladies’ fitness club which was frequented by girls from the local college.

Jodi is an attractive 48 year old woman, 5’4, 125lbs, shoulder length
blond/brown hair, medium breasts. Jodi has been operating her own nail salon
for the past five years and has never had any crime problems.

Little did Jodi know but sitting across the street were two local criminals,
Reggie and Charlie, watching the bank next door. A couple days ago, Charlie’s
girlfriend, Martha, told him that every Sunday morning, an armoured car
delivers large amounts of money to the bank so the bank staff would have
available money for the week. Over the next couple of Sundays Reggie and
Charlie watched the armoured car stop at the bank to deliver the money with
armed guards. Reggie and Charlie wanted a big score but knew they were in no
position to encounter the armed guards.

They began to notice Jodi coming and going from her nail salon, and Charlie
turned to Reggie and said, “Maybe we can get into the bank another way. How
about going into the bank from another business?” Reggie knew exactly what
he was talking about and answered, “We can get in from the nail salon. Let’s
send in Martha to see the layout of the salon to see if we can do it”.

A couple days later, Martha entered Jodi’s nail salon to get her nails done. “Hi,
may I help you?” Jodi greeted Martha. “Yes, I just moved into the area and
would like to get my nails done”. “Great, no problem, have a seat over there”
stated Jodi. Jodi began to work on Martha’s fingernails and toenails then
finished it off by applying clear nail polish on her toes and hands. While Martha
was waiting for the polish to dry, she turned to the woman sitting next to her,
reading a magazine. “Hello, have you come here long”?

“Yes, about 15 years now” answered the older auburn haired woman. “That’s a
long time, Jodi must do a great job and by the way my name is Martha”. “I’m
Ginger, nice to meet you”. Ginger Cavanuagh is a long time customer of Jodi’s
nail salon and in fact a good friend as well. Ginger is 59 years old, 5’6, 180lbs,
short auburn hair, green eyes, lily white skin, and 40DD breasts. “How often do
you come here?” Martha asked Ginger. “Normally, I come about every 3 weeks
but I’ll need to come in about 2 weeks since Jodi’s family is going out of town
and she might take some time off to rest”. “Well it was nice to meet you; I
need to use the restroom” Martha said as she left. As Martha left the
restroom, she noticed Jodi was attending to Ginger so she decided to look
around. Martha noticed that the ceiling and vents were very accessible to the
bank from a back kitchen/office area. Martha thought to herself, “This is
definitely worth a try”.

Martha got into the vehicle with Charlie and Reggie and said, “I think we can
do this. It looks like we can access the bank through the ceilings and vents
since the building was built long ago. Oh, by the way, the owner, Jodi, might be
taking some time off because her family is going out of town, not a bad time to
hit it since nobody will miss her”. Charlie and Reggie looked at each and
grinned, “We will do it two weeks from today”.

Two weeks had passed, and it was late afternoon on Sunday when business at
Jodi’s Nail Salon was winding down. At the ladies’ fitness club, college
roommates Melissa and Jill were just finishing up their aerobics class. Melissa
is 22 years old, long black hair wrapped in a ponytail, 5’3 110lbs, dressed in a
black leotard, white pantyhose, sneakers, and had a white scarf tied around
her waist while Jill was 20 years old, 5’4, 125lbs, short blond hair wearing a pair
of tight shorts, sneakers, tank top with a red and blue colored scarf wrapped
around her neck.

“Ok, Martha, you go inside, engage her in conversation then we will enter the
salon and start up” stated Charlie. Martha entered the nail salon where she
was met by Jodi, who was wearing a black skirt, red blouse, suntan pantyhose,
and black heels. “Oh, I’m sorry Martha but I’m getting ready to close for the
evening and I need to cancel my last appointment for the day”. “No problem,
I’ll make it short” answered Martha. Jodi and Martha began discussing nail
products when Charlie and Reggie entered the salon. “I’m sorry but we are
closing for the evening” said Jodi to the new customers.

“You say you’re closed, I say you are open” answered Charlie. Then all three
criminals pulled out silver plated handguns and pointed them at Jodi. Jodi
jumped back in fear and said “I don’t have any money here; it’s all credit cards
and personal checks”. “We aren’t here for the money, now move to the back”
quipped Reggie. Jodi walked slowly towards the back with her hands raised so
she wouldn’t startle the robbers.

Once they arrived in the back room, Jodi turned around and asked what they

“All in due time, my dear, now be a good little girl and turn around with your
hands behind your back” answered Charlie. Jodi obliged by turning around and
putting her hands behind her back. Reggie pulled out a coil of white rope from
his bag and wound the rope tightly around Jodi’s wrists. Next, he tied rope
above and below her breasts, making her blouse pull against her body. “Take
her to the back” Charlie told Martha. Martha marched Jodi to the back room
where she made her sit on the floor. Martha took out some white rope and
tied Jodi’s ankles and knees together then pulled a piece of white cloth from
her pocket. She balled up the cloth and stuffed the wad into Jodi’s mouth then
placed a dark blue bandana over her mouth and tied the ends of the bandana
behind her head securing the wad of cloth. “That should hold you” Martha told
Jodi as she patted her on the head.

“I need to stop by the nail salon before they close so I can get some nail polish”
Melissa told Jill as they left their aerobics class. Melissa and Jill walked a few
doors down to the nail salon, “Good they are still open” stated Melissa. “I’ll
come in with you, maybe there is something I might want to buy” answered
Jill. Melissa and Jill entered the salon where they encountered Charlie and
Reggie standing in the front part of the store. “Oh, I’m sorry but I was looking
for Jodi” Melissa asked the men.

“She is indisposed of right now” Reggie told the girls as he pulled out the silver
plated handgun. Melissa and Jill stepped back and started to plead with Reggie
and Charlie.

“Please don’t hurt us, we will do whatever you say” stated Jill. “Move to the
back now” yelled Charlie. They marched Melissa and Jill to the back room
where Martha had just finished with Jodi. “Look at what we found up front”
Reggie told Martha.

“Take care of them now” shouted Charlie. Reggie pulled out a couple pieces of
white rope and handed one to Martha who tied Melissa’s hands behind her
back then wrapped rope around her breasts while Martha was doing the same
thing to Jill.. They made both girls sit down on the floor where their feet and
ankles were tied together.

Finally, Martha took a piece of cloth from her pocket and tore the piece into
two strips. “Open wide my dears” Martha told the girls. “You don’t have to gag
us, we’ll be quiet” stated Melissa with tears in her eyes. Martha stuffed a wad
into Melissa and Jill’s mouth then reached into her pockets but couldn’t find
any more bandanas. She checked the bag with the rope but again no
bandanas. “Ah, no problem, I’ll just use their scarves” she thought to herself.
She pulled the white scarf from Melissa’s body and tied the scarf over her
mouth then pulled the red/blue scarf from Jill’s neck and tightly tied the scarf
over her mouth securely gagging both of them.

A couple minutes later, the front door opened and an older woman entered
the salon. “Jodi, are you here? It’s Ginger” stated Ginger Cavanuagh as she
began walking around the salon. Ginger was dressed in a poke-a-dot sundress
that came down to her knees with a black scarf draped around her neck,
exposing her smooth lily white thick legs, and brown sandals which showed off
her rust colored toenails. The sundress also showed off a little bit of cleavage
from her 40DD breasts as well as making her breasts protrude outward.
Reggie, Charlie and Martha all stood in the back room pointing a gun at Jodi,
Melissa, and Jill to make sure they don’t warn Ginger of the impending danger.

Ginger walked towards the back of the salon calling out for Jodi but received
no response. Ginger turned towards the front door and stood there for a
couple seconds deciding what to do next. She realized something wasn’t right
and began moving towards the telephone. As she walked towards the
telephone, Reggie was sneaking up behind her, and just as she got to the
telephone, Reggie lunged towards the mature woman and clamped his right
hand over her mouth and left hand around her waist. Reggie’s force knocked
Ginger backwards and her purse fell to the floor as she reached for Reggie’s
hand. Ginger tried to let out a MMPPHH but Reggie whispered in her ear and
said, “If you want to live then stop struggling and do what I say”.

Ginger calmed down and nodded her head in agreement. Reggie dragged
Ginger to the back room where she saw Jodi, Melissa, and Jill bound and
gagged on the floor. Reggie motioned for Charlie to grab a coil of white nylon
rope from the bag on the floor. Charlie grabbed the rope, pulled Ginger’s
hands behind her back, and tied them together. Then he tightly tied rope
above and below Ginger’s breasts making her already large breasts look even
larger. While Charlie was finishing tying up Ginger’s chest, Martha had pulled
Ginger’s black scarf from her neck and wadded up a piece of cloth. Reggie
removed his hand from Ginger’s mouth, and in one continuous motion, Martha
stuffed the wad of cloth deep into Ginger’s mouth followed by the black scarf
around Ginger’s mouth with the ends of the scarf tied tightly behind her head.
The black scarf covered the lower half of Ginger’s face tight enough so she
couldn’t tongue out the wad. Ginger was lowered onto the floor and her legs
were stretched out. Reggie wound rope around Ginger’s ankles and knees
tightly enough to press her lily white smooth skin together.

Charlie bent down and grabbed Ginger and Jodi’s gagged faces and said “I
hope you both don’t try anything heroic, hopefully now we won’t have
anymore interruptions, let’s get down to business”. Melissa and Jill sat there in
gagged silence, weeping while Ginger and Jodi tried to comfort them with their

All three criminals donned their black outfits, and gloves then moved a table
over to the vent in the ceiling. Charlie stood up on the chair and removed the
vent from the ceiling exposing the ventilation system. Charlie hoisted himself
up into the ceiling then crawled over to the bank ceiling. He removed the vent
and lowered himself down into the vault area. Reggie followed Charlie into the
ventilation system but stopped at the bank opening while Martha stayed
below with their bound and gagged captives. One by one, Charlie threw up
bags full of money to Reggie who dropped the bags down to Martha. Then
Martha loaded the bags of money into duffle bags; this went on for about
twenty minutes. Once Martha had four duffle bags full of money, Charlie and
Reggie came down from their perches. All three of them changed back into
their regular clothes for their getaway.

Martha and Reggie carried the four duffle bags to the front door while Charlie
checked on their four captives. One by one, he turned over each woman onto
her stomach and checked the knots on the rope and scarves. He tightened
some knots on Melissa and Jill’s hands, knots on Jodi’s feet, and Ginger’s scarf.
“Goodbye my ladies, hope you don’t mind the rope and gag ensemble but we
need a big head start on our getaway” Charlie stated to the ladies. All three
criminals exited the nail salon, entered their vehicle and made off with excess
of $500,000.00 dollars.

Once the front door shut, the ladies began trying to get loose. For the next
seven hours, the ladies tried to get loose. First it was Ginger and Melissa trying
to loosen their hands but realized the rope was too tight and tried to yell their
heads off but the gag was preventing any speech. Ginger rolled onto her left
side and Jodi tried to loosen the knot on her gag while Ginger was trying to
loosen the knot on Jill’s gag. The woman tried this for about an hour but the
knots never loosened.

Then it was Jodi and Jill trying to get loose, then Ginger and Jill, finally while
Ginger and Jill were trying to yell through their gags, Jodi got Melissa’s
attention and motioned her head towards a table out in the hallway. Jodi tried
to mew to the other ladies that there was a pair of scissors lying on the table
but she couldn’t get to it because she had three other ladies between her and
the table. Since Melissa was the closest to the table, she rolled towards the
table in her black leotard then once she reached the table, she began to kick
the side of it until the pair of scissors fell to the floor. Melissa grabbed the
scissors in her bound hands and slowly made her way back to the other ladies.

Ginger, Jodi, and Jill began to mew through their gags in excitement knowing
that getting loose might be coming soon enough. Melissa and Jill went back to
back, slowly cutting the rope trying not to cut each other. Ginger and Jodi sat
there mewing encouragement, and finally after two hours, Jill’s hands came
apart and she removed her scarf and spit out the wad, “Boy, does that feel
better” she stated. One by one, Jill untied each woman and each woman spit
out their wads of cloth from their mouths.

All four ladies gave ach other a big hug and when Jodi called the police to tell
them of their ordeal, they were already next door at the bank. The ladies gave
descriptions of the robbers but they have been long gone.

“You all deserve a free manicure and pedicure for that ordeal” Jodi advised the
other three. “I’m glad nobody was hurt” stated Melissa. “Yes, if it wasn’t for
Melissa, we would still be there” exclaimed Ginger.

Dedicated Servers

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